



Automation & Customisation

The simulation process consists of several phases; e.g. FE model creation, application of load and boundary conditions, and results post-processing; where scripting plays an important role. Scripting firstly allow user to create a parametric FE model which then can be integrated into optimisation schemes resulting in optimised products. The loads, contacts and boundary conditions application is much faster, especially where several load cases have to be analysed. The FE analysis results can be collected and presented effectively by using customised post-processing scripts often used for fatigue and damage tolerance calculation. The biggest advantage of scripting is the time saving of another simulation loop which is often required to verify a new design.


Our engineers are professional in APDL-Ansys, Tcl-HyperWorks and Python-Abaqus scripting languages. If you want to reduce the time for analysis or get rid of repetitive tasks please contact us to discuss how we can help you.